3 Actionable Tips For Better Results With Calisthenics!

3 Actionable Tips For Better Results With Calisthenics!

Want to get better results with calisthenics training? 

This may sound easy but start by doing this:

Tip 1:  Have an idea of what you are going to do at your training session.

I personally like the pulling, pushing, legs training split.

I also have a secondary layer added to this where I plan reps and volume, isometrics and skills, mobility and prehab to stay long term injury free.

Tip 2: Focus on intention on every rep 

When I say that, you may think, “of course we need that!”, well the reality is most people don’t actually do it.

When doing 10 reps, most will start losing will power after 7 or 8 reps, sometimes before that, when they get “tired”. Their mind starts to focus on saving energy rather than get those extra reps as clean as possible.

Focus until the last rep. Have the “intent” even if you fail your last rep!

Tip 3: Train with “speed”


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All My Favorite Calisthenics Articles In One Place

All My Favorite Calisthenics Articles In One Place!

Here are some of my favorite calisthenics and holistic nutrition articles I've written for you that you may find useful.

Calisthenics Workout

Holistic Nutrition


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  • Within this intensive and comprehensive multi-level course, I cover everything you need to know, to achieve your goals, step by step, day by day.  
  • Beware, this course is not some shallow half-baked piece of training, it is hundreds of videos, workouts, ebooks and workshops of value-packed calisthenics goodness.
  • I have spent 15 years of my life trying to learn everything I can about calisthenics...
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The 3 Surprising Things That Keep You Fat

The 3 Surprising Things That Keep You Fat!

The fitness world is full of tricks and programs to help you lose weight. 

They all promise amazing results in 4 weeks and lots of people fall into  those traps.

Meanwhile, there are very simple things you can all do in order to get leaner and stronger all year round.

This starts by avoiding these 3 mistakes:

1/ Thinking you can outwork a bad diet

A full day of calorie allocation goes roughly like the following when you workout:

- 80% goes to your daily physiological needs and vital functions. Think of things like making your heart beat, breathing, brain activity etc. There is an optimum amount of calories needed for that. 

- 20% goes to your workout efforts (what most people call "burning fat")

 So no matter what your workout is and how intense it is, you will only burn around 20% of the calories you intake that day and anything on top of the vital 80% remaining calories will be stored as fat.

Here is an easy...

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3 Fitness Industry Lies Exposed!


3 Fitness Industry Lies Exposed!

The fitness industry is like any other big industry.

That means there are lots of BS everywhere on the internet, and sometimes coming from actually legit "fitness pro's"!

So in today's video I talk about 3 major lies that the fitness industry keeps entertaining, and you may already have seen some of it on social media.

Not only these lies need to be exposed for the scam they are, but also because it is detrimental to people's progress and well-being.

This is specially true for beginners that don't always know where to find valuable information.

Seeing a "big name" saying or posting something doesn't make it automatically true or effective.

Watch the full video for all the details!

Also check out 4 things that are killing your calisthenics fitness gains here!

Get my full calisthenics course and online personal coaching here!

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The 3 Best Ab Exercises For Calisthenics Beginners


The 3 Best Ab Exercises For Calisthenics Beginners!

Abs are what people focus on the most, when starting their fitness and calisthenics journey.

Here is a video where I cover 3 of the best, no equipment exercises, to build a strong core.

These drills are great for beginners but it also works if you are advanced.

I personally use them all the time, just making them a little harder than a beginner would.

Those 3 exercises all have one thing in common: they make you lift and control your legs with your core section.

Building strong abs start here!

Let's go!

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How To Build Real Strength With These 4 Calisthenics Movements


How To Build Real Strength With These 4 Calisthenics Movements!

Getting results is what everybody commits to on January 1st.

Then some do, some don't.

So here is a video where I talk about 4 of the best calisthenics exercises to gain real strength, and build muscle in the process.

While a lot of people are looking for fancy things to do to get strong, calisthenics foundation movements are the best tool to build both strength and muscle mass.

By making the adjustments I show you in the video, you will take those movements and your strength to the next level.

Performing these movements will increase your strength.  

Keep in mind that your results will depend on factors such as your diet (what food do you eat, how much, when), rep count & sets, pace, movements range of motion, intensity, frequency of training and consistency overtime. 

Let's go!

Get my full calisthenics course and online personal coaching here!

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How To Get A Great Calisthenics Warm Up In 10 Minutes


How To Get A Great Calisthenics Warm Up In 10 Minutes!

Let's focus on how to get a full calisthenics warm up in 10 minutes.

We all need to warm up our muscles, but also joints and soft tissues, before working out.

Sometimes people miss out on that part.

In this video I show and explain the main movements you can use, before any workout, to get a complete warm up in 10 minutes.

I personally also use the wrists and forearms stretches every night before I go to sleep. It is a great natural relaxing technique.

I highly recommend it!

Get my full calisthenics course and online personal coaching here!

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The 6 Calisthenics Movements Everyone Should Master


The 6 Calisthenics Movements Everyone Should Master!

Here are the 6 moves everyone should master, to get the best results with their calisthenics workout.

1/ Pull Ups

2/ Push Ups

3/ Dips

4/ Squats

5/ Leg raises

6/ Hollow Body

Watch the video to dive into the details about what is important, and how to perform each movement.

Get my full calisthenics course and online personal coaching here!

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Real Calisthenics Transformations!

Real Calisthenics Transformations!

I did the math...and it works. I had NEVER (until now) posted before/after pictures of any of my clients.

BUT I came to the realization that the market makes it a BIG DEAL, in the days of 5 SECOND maximum attention. 

IF you don't have those pictures, as a fitness professional, people just scroll through your content and give you a pass. 

I even ran ads with the before/after ALONG other types of ads. You would have guessed than the before/after does better. 

HERE are 3 different TRANSFORMATIONS, from people using the Online Calisthenics method: holistic wellness mindset, bodyweight training only, no equipment, no supplements.

I just used photos sent to me voluntarily (without my asking) by 2 different clients who have transformed their lives and bodies with the Online Calisthenics method.  

Since I always lead by example, I included my own transformation as well.

You can check out the 3 before/after pictures here.

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The 6 Most Important Calisthenics Exercises For Beginners

The 6 Most Important Calisthenics Exercises For Beginners!

Calisthenics, like a martial art, comes down to practicing and mastering essential movements, that will later translate into more advanced and fun skills.

We all start as a beginner, so I made a video to show you and explain the 6 most important movements to practice, if you can't do a full pull up, dip or push up yet.

You will learn about the foundations to build proper form for the following moves:

1 - Australian Rows (or inverted rows)

2 - Superman & Scorpio Holds

3 - Knee Push Ups

4 - Box Dips

5 - Box Squats

6 - Core Leg Flutters

You will have access to all the details and important adjustments to make, to get the best out of your workouts.

Give it a thumbs up and subscribe to the channel if you find this helpful!

Click here to watch the video.

Get my full calisthenics course and online personal coaching here!

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